Wednesday 5 March 2008

cleaning coffee makers

More people drink coffee than any other drink in the world. Some people can’t get through a day without their daily dose of coffee.

After using your Coffee Maker for a while you may notice that he quality diminishes. This is the alarm bell which tells you that it is time to clean your coffee maker.

There are a variety of methods to get the dirt of your machine and back to its former glory.

There are many different ways to clean your coffee station; some involve the use of products that are specially made for cleaning coffee pots. Many people do not want to chemicals and turn toward the most effective natural method of cleaning their coffee pot – vinegar.

If you’ve had your machine for a while then this method will allow you to make a cuppa just like the first time – like a first kiss!

Put two cups of water and one cup of vinegar together and pour it into the reservoir of your coffee maker. Switch on and go through the process of a brew. After the machine has finished let it sit in the carafe for a little bit and then run cold water through your machine. Put cold water through it two or three times and bingo – you will find that the coffee maker is as good as new!

Every few months you can repeat his process to keep the machine running on tip top condition.

All coffee makers need cleaning every now and again no matter which one you own - it’s all worth it in the end when you get brand new beautiful coffee !!!!

For the Best Coffee Maker check out coffee maker review

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